What are the 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Creating a New Presentation?

If you are a leader in your industry, or want to become one, speaking and making a presentation from time to time is (or should be) an integral part of your business strategy. However, knowing what you are speaking on and being able to speak well and engage your audience are two very different things. In order to inspire your audience, you have to plan and make sure your presentation connects with your audience. The first step is to ask yourself these 3 pivotal questions.

How do I want my audience to think after listening to my presentation?

The think question helps you to identify where your audience is now and what information you need to provide so that you can take them to where they want to go.

When you know how they think prior to your presentation it will enable you to begin constructing your presentation in a way that will shift their thinking to where it is they really want to be.

How do I want my audience to feel during and after my presentation?

The feel question will create the needed emotions for the stories. Using stories in your presentation helps your audience connect to the information in an emotional way. Once you determine how you want them to feel, you can interject stories that will evoke that emotion.

What is the action or actions (takeaways) I want my audience to take away and implement from my presentation?

When preparing any presentation, you should start with the end in mind. In other words, you want to identify what you want your audience to be able to take away from your presentation and implement in their lives or business. If there is a change you want to encourage your audience to make, then you have to have that in mind before you start creating any presentation.

All three triggers Think, Feel, and Action are necessary for your audience to be influenced by your ideas and to be inspired to make changes and to see the results they can achieve in their mind before they take action. When you incorporate all three into your presentations you are able to be the catalyst for change both in life and business.

Have you asked these 3 questions before creating your presentations? How have they made a difference?

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