A common theme among my potential clients is a sense of frustration with the amount of time and resources they’ve invested in social media without seeing a return on that investment. They come to me seeking perspective on how social media should fit into their overall marketing plan and how they can use social media more effectively to help them reach their business goals.

Often they’ve worked hard to amass a large number of Facebook fans. They’ve driven traffic to their page and gained fans by “word of mouse.” Some have encouraged fan participation and even built a sense of community. But. not. one. sale. Sound familiar?

Your Facebook fans love your content and that keeps them coming back to visit your business page. But are you giving them the opportunity to buy from you without leaving the comfort of your Facebook page?

Facebook allows you to create custom tabs—four of them are visible but you can click the drop-down arrow to see additional tabs. For example, Coca Cola has 12 custom tabs on their Facebook page. Custom tabs allow you to drive your fans to opt-in pages, sales pages or event pages which can help you turn visitors into buyers.

Optimally, you will use a minimum of three custom tabs to allow your customers to connect with your information, products or services in three different ways—reading, hearing and watching (for example, eBooks, teleseminars, webinars and video courses).

If you find yourself in need of a winning social marketing strategy, I invite you to apply for a complimentary Business Building Session to discuss your social marketing challenges and how we can work together to break through them to achieve next-level success!

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