After virtually meeting Joie Gharrity in a Facebook group and discovering a mutual passion and love for intentional networking and with both of us being what we call “Super Connectors” we naturally connected with each other.  Joie has graciously agreed to share her expertise in the first of hopefully many guest blog posts.



Think Big!

THE DOUBLE DIP is a strategy that’s based around community building. It leverages two company brands and their net worth. This easy strategy can gain you and your company brand delicious VISIBILITY in the marketplace. Just follow these 5 easy breezy steps, and let the fun begin!

How The Double Dip Works

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1. If you initiated the conversation about a double with another brand, then you assume the leadership position.

2. You can do something as easy as asking the other brand to supply “quotes” to include in one of your upcoming posts. Or you could pick a new topic of mutual interest, and each brand can then produce a video, article, podcast, blog or anything else that relates to it. Just make sure to spotlight the other brand.

3. Both you and your partner should then launch the cross-pollinated content on the same day and share it across all of your social media channels. Be sure to tag each other!

4. Always post your content in groups.

5. This strategy is all about leveraging each other’s Net Worth and getting your brand recognized in other backyards.

The Big WHY?

When you shine the SPOTLIGHT on other brands, you will find the spotlight shining back directly on your brand. This promotes positive communication and makes for great networking opportunities!

Think Bigger!

If you thought THE DOUBLE DIP was delicious, just you wait! THE TRIPLE DIP is a scrumptious way to grow your company brand’s VISIBILITY in the marketplace. It, too, is a community-building strategy that leverages your brand + 2 brands = Increase all the brands’ Net Worth.

How The Triple Dip Works

Three brands find a way to strategically integrate their content and then share it across all of their individual social media platforms, bringing shared VISIBILITY and boosting each other’s net worth.

For example:

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1. Business Strategist Kathy Catlin Davis invited me to be a guest expert on her tele-seminar, “Bullying, Branding and Justice: The Intersection of Business and the Law in the Online World.” We shared our expertise on how to handle cyber-bullying and how to protect online personal and business brands.

2. We then approached Transitional Career Strategist Teri Hockett, founder of What’s For Work?, and asked her to share her expertise in an article called “Cyber-bullying Among Working Women.”

3. I then took a quote from Teri’s article and included it in my blog post “Bullying, Branding & Justice: How To Protect Your Personal and Professional Brand” and referenced and hyper-linked Hockett’s article in my blog.

4. Teri Hockett took a quote from our tele-seminar and incorporated that into her article along with a hyperlink.

5. Then Kathy Catlin, Teri Hockett, and I shared our “cross-pollinated content” on a designated day across our individual social media platforms and leveraged our net worth.

The Triple Dip strategy has endless combinations. It is a great way to gain greater VISIBILITY for your brand. It is also a community-building strategy that opens up doors to new networks and opportunities.

I encourage you to reach out to your network and see how you can incorporate The Double Dip and The Triple Dip and be “of” service to one another–there is power in numbers. As long as you all are authentically showing up for each other and there is equal exchange of energy, trust, and respect, you can move mountains and watch all of your brands soar deliciously!


It’s all about VISIBILITY first
Founder/Principal Joie Gharrity
Brand Strategist, Social Media Influencer & Speaker Brand Strategist, Social Media Influencer & Speaker
“I am committed to helping women entrepreneurs around the world to leverage their unique brand in life and in business, to gain clarity and impact, to grow community and influence, and to gain recognition and VISIBILITY for them and their brand.”

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