How to Avoid Giving out Free Advice or Information

When you are successful in your business and an expert in your field people want to know what you know. It is only natural. It is also how you make your living; so how do you respond when someone asks to ‘pick your brain’. It’s an innocent question, driven by the desire to learn something from someone they know, like and trust. But, for many entrepreneurs and business owners, being on the receiving end of this question creates feelings of resentment because this person is asking you to give them for free what everyone else pays you for. However, you probably also feel guilty about saying no because you genuinely want to help them. This leaves you in an uncomfortable position that most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t know how to get out of gracefully.

Of course you want to be nice and help by sharing your expertise but if you do it on a regular basis it will eventually cut into your time, energy and your bottom line. To help you, I am going to share with you some ways to say no, but still help that person with their question.

5 Ways to Say No to Giving Free Business Advice

I am going to have to say no, but:

  • Here is a blog post I wrote on that topic
  • Here is a resource I can recommend
  • Here is a great website on that topic
  • Here is an online community or group
  • No, but you can rent it. This is my personal favorite!
    I then send them to this link where they can sign up for a 30 or 60 minute “Pick Patty’s Brain” session.

Create an eBook for the Most Asked Questions

Do you have certain questions you get asked often? Then creating an eBook with the answers would be a great idea!

Make it a downloadable offer on your website where people can add their email to your opt-in list and get the eBook for free. This would help the person asking the questions and it would also give you another great prospect on your email list to send future information to and who, may eventually be in need of your products or services.

The next time someone asks to pick your brain, don’t get frustrated, get excited! Show them ways you can help them by leading them to helpful resources – hopefully on your own website. These once frustrating questions can now become the basis to a new business relationship!

How do you handle it when someone asks to pick your brain? Share your stories and strategies with me!

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