It has been said… if you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. Today, I realized that holds true for Facebook groups as well. During a recent discussion on “re-purposing” blog posts for content marketing in my Global Speakers, Radio Show Hosts, Authors, Publishers & Media Experts Facebook group I realized that I am definitely in the RIGHT group. It is filled with a powerhouse of experts (over 1400) that continually raise the bar on speaking, publishing and other aspects of our niche market.

One of our group discussions on the numerous ways content can be re-purposed had so many great ideas that I just had to share them with you!


How Re-purposing From a Blog Post Looks in Content Marketing

Sometimes it is easier to see the steps by using an actual example of how one blog post can be re-purposed. Take a look:

  • Write blog post.
  • Record the content into audio format (Be sure to use inflections so it doesn’t sound like you’re reading). Add to the information if it feels right as you’re recording.
  • Syndicate that audio to podcasting platforms then, share it on social media
  • Add audio to a dial in line people can call to listen to message.
  • Create power point to cover topic.
  • Match topic to slides on PowerPoint and save as video.
  • Syndicate video to video sites and social media.
  • Share on slideshare.
  • Create memes and share on visual sharing sites.
  • Snapchat on the highlights.
  • Clammr the podcast and link to it.
  • Syndicate on article directories.
  • Take multiple related posts and combine them into an interactive kindle book or eBook.
  • Take primary points and turn into an infographic.
  • Expand blog with more detail to create a giveaway or signature talk.
  • Epic post? Reduce points to a checklist and have a giveaway people can sign up for
  • Turn memes into mugs, t-shirt etc.
  • Create a flyer with a QR code linking back to post with audio and put flyer where ideal customers/clients hang out.
  • Create printed checklist on a bookmark that you hand out at live events.
  • Take best of on a CD or jump drive and sell.
  • Don’t forget about Pinterest. All, or most of these re-purposing ideas can also be used on Pinterest.


Create a Blog Series

Think about what your audience is looking for and once you come up with a general topic, break that topic down into sub-topics or bullet points. Each sub-topic can then become one post in a blog series on that specific topic. Once your series has been written and posted you can turn it into an eBook. From there it can become a Webinar, or a video series.


How to Write a Book from Re-Purposed Content

You can even create an entire book just be starting with a simple blog post. In the list above, one of the options was to create an eBook from either multiple related blog posts or from some previous speaking notes. Once you have the eBook take your repurposing to the next level by following these steps:

  • Use the eBook as an outline for a published book.
  • Once you have published your book, record chapter readings for mp3.
  • Create videos on the principles covered in the book.
  • Format some exercises from book as handouts for speaking events.
  • Submit an expanded exercise/story from one book into another collaborative chapter book.
  • Blog about the process along the way.


One group member even used one principle covered in their book as inspiration for an intensive program and two other principles became the foundation for tele-summits.


Re-purpose Quotes

Take a look at your past blog posts, videos, and webinars and pull out some great quotes. These can then become great social media content. People love a great quote and they tend to get a lot of engagement.


To take it a step further for those with videos, when you re-purpose it as a blog post, don’t just embed the video in a blog post, actually quote the entire thing by having the video transcribed ( is $1/min). Including the transcription in the blog post will boost SEO for your website. You can then upload the transcript into the Close Captioning area of your video on YouTube. This prevents errors when Google’s computers try to translate the audio of your video, so it will be used both for Closed Captioning as well as SEO.


Google and YouTube will transcribe (or attempt to anyway) your videos automatically. However, they don’t always get it right which is not good for your SEO. To avoid errors, it is always best to have it transcribed and upload it yourself. Remember, the Closed Caption function is not just for the hearing impaired, it effects your SEO.


Create a “Best of” List

Whether it be from a series of blogs or videos or even quotes, you can always look back to see which were the most popular and create a “best of” list. For example: Favorite quotes from 2015 according to followers. The topic can vary to fit your blogs, videos or quotes. You can also create a new post based on the questions you were asked most in blog comments.


Don’t Forget – Re-Purposing Works in Reverse Too!

Everything we have discussed on ways to re-purpose a blog post can also be re-purposed. It isn’t just for blogs. If you have a marketing Blab, you can pull out highlights and turn them into a blog post. Or a webinar can be turned into a blog and then into an eBook. As you can see, the possibilities look endless and it becomes hard to see how you could ever run out of content. However, be careful to not use re-purposing to replace coming up with new content. You should always be creating new content on each type of media that reaches your audience. Then, once you have created it, always re-purpose it.


What ways do you re-purpose your blog posts? Which of these suggestions are you going to try next?

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I would like to thank all of the contributors to this enlightening discussion in our Facebook community. Each has graciously given me permission to include their innovations and methods in this blog post. I would like to give a special shout-out to Stephanie L. H. Calahan for graciously sharing content previously posted. To learn more about syndication vs re-purposing and other ways to leverage your blog posts click here. Please follow them using the links included:

Tara Alemany, Michelle Barr, Stephanie L H Calahan, Caren Taubman Glasser, Tambra Harck, Debra Jason, Minette Riordan, Trish Springsteen, Michele Trainer, Sharon M. Weinstein, Desiree Wolfe

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