“If you’re not being treated with the love and respect you deserve, check your “PRICE TAG”. Perhaps you have marked yourself down. It’s “YOU” who tell people what you’re worth by what you accept. Get off the “CLEARANCE RACK” and get behind the glass case where they keep the “VALUABLES”. Bottom line “VALUE” yourself more!” ~ Nancy Ferrari Media Network

I saw this quote the other day and I loved it so much that I contacted Nancy and asked her if should would be willing to write a blog for my site about it. I was thrilled when she agreed! Read what Nancy has to say about self-worth and how valuable you really are.

How to Value Yourself More and Create a Priceless Self-Worth

A day doesn’t go by when I hear the trending topic and conversation spoken among women about our self-value and what we’re worth. As more women are stepping into entrepreneurship, either by choice or after leaving corporate jobs, many begin to question their self-worth, and their value as they navigate through the fear of uncertainty and times of transition. What once was their comfort zone, whether it be college or a career, is now unknown territory. However, it is also a grand opportunity to discover who you are at the core level of your self-worth.

What is Your Self-Worth Mindset?

As an analogy, we can all relate to shopping and have experienced those moments of weakness when we wander into an upscale boutique and longingly gaze at a designer dress that unfortunately is unattainable due to the price point. Afterwards we find ourselves keeping an eye on the boutique, patiently waiting for their semi-annual sale. Then, the nightmare comes when you realize that the sale happened while you were on vacation. Then, your hope is renewed when you discover the dress has been moved to the clearance rack, but you are in despair to discover that the designer dress had been dramatically reduced in price but is now in the closet of another woman. It’s at that moment that you decide, you either lost a golden opportunity or that it wasn’t really worth spending the money on, even on sale. Which mindset is yours?

Let’s now imagine you are that designer dress … one of a kind, unique, exuding the core value of integrity. You’d be priceless, however, what is it that we do to ourselves resulting in a reduction to a clearance item?

Dr. Wayne Dyer said it so well ~

“Treat yourself as if you already are what you’d like to become”

Don’t Discount your Self-Worth

No truer words of wisdom to be anchored into the essence of who we are within our life journey. If we choose the downward spiral of negotiating our value, discounting ourselves and even worse, betraying ourselves, wondering why we aren’t respected or taken seriously, we need only face a mirror and to look into our eyes, which are the windows to our soul. Truth be told, we all experience inner-turmoil when we compromise ourselves and these are the lessons that are meant to be learned. It is within those times of awakenings when we make time for self-reflection, connect to our authentic selves, and then proclaim our worth and value, grounded in faith and belief of our brilliance. There is no negotiating when it comes to our value, as you have invested in yourself as a student of life with faith and focus to be the shining star you always knew you would be. It’s your soul destiny and you deserve only the best. Remember, with faith and gratitude, all things are possible!

~ Nancy Ferrari, Intuitive Life Coach

How do you keep from devaluing your self-worth?

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